Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 179
In Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 179, a chaotic battle of overlapping domain expansions, the barriers of Yuta, Ryu, and Uro crumble due to their instability and the unexpected intrusion of Kurourushi, a resurrected cursed spirit. Ryu seizes the opportunity to incapacitate both Uro and Kurourushi, eliminating Uro’s ability to regenerate and enabling Yuta to exorcise the cursed spirit. With Rika devouring Uro’s severed arm to prevent her recovery, the stage is cleared for the ultimate clash between Yuta and Ryu. Excited by the prospect of a decisive fight, Ryu readies his cursed energy, and Yuta prepares for a final showdown with Rika at his side. Read More
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